
Posts Tagged ‘bloggers’

Is your blog taking over your life?

March 18, 2010 4 comments

Okay, clearly not.

But I was only away from blogging for a little while and thrown into a tizzy.  Alarming.  Also, I frequent Copyblogger as a way to keep up-to-date with my day-job industry news and trends, and was inspired by this post.

So here is the question:  do we bloggers replace blog-socializing with actual socializing?

I find myself ducking out of the lounge to hide upstairs, gleefully reading all my guilty-pleasure blogs.  I have blog-conversations in the comment trails.  I post something here and wait for someone to comment.  And then I comment back.  It’s like talking, only I’m alone in my room.

And then if I’ve been away from my computer, I feel like I’ve been locked away in some sort of prison.  Only I haven’t.  I’ve been doing un-blog stuff.  Working.  Speaking.  Getting some sun (yes, even in London).   I think it’s called life.

But it feels incomplete without my blogger-friends.

Still.  I don’t neglect my people-friends.  I have heard no complaints since I started blogging.  Most of them don’t even know about this blog.

And so.

Of course we need to step away from our laptops and have people-conversations and people-friends.  But still.  It’s nice to have blogger-conversations and blogger-friends too.  It’s always nice to have another friend, after all.

Okay, enough fuzzy bloggy-love.  Promise to be cranky, gin-swilling,  sarcastic self in next post.